A Message to Our Community
At Stephen’s Place, the health and safety of our residents and team members is our top priority. As we all continue to manage the new challenges presented by the global COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to inform you about what we are doing to protect our residents and team members during this time.
Since prior to the very first day we opened our doors, Stephen’s Place has had extensive infectious disease protocols in place. As this ever-changing environment unfolds, we continue to adapt our procedures according to not only those set forth by health agencies but also by leveraging the proficiencies of our experience and exceptional team.
To safeguard our community, we do not allow outside visitors, and we take any symptoms exhibited by residents and team members very seriously. We are closely monitoring the health of all those who live in or enter our building. If any person is showing any symptoms at all, we have measurements in place to rapidly facilitate offsite COVID-19 testing.
Stephen’s Place has always had stringent guidelines for cleanliness, including but not limited to equipment, crafting materials, games, packages, and tools. Due to this, we are already fully accustomed to wiping down surfaces multiple times a day. We have extended these practices even more so and have been extremely diligent in making sure that every surface is sanitized at all times. Additionally, we have procured the necessary personal protective equipment and other supplies to keep our community healthy and safe as we continue to navigate through these unfamiliar times.
The larger difficulty remains in quarantine and isolation whilst also making sure life at Stephen’s Place continues in a familiar rhythm for our residents. As we know, within our larger population, shifts in routine can greatly add to anxieties that already exist.
As a conservative approach, we are also taking continued precautions in the form of social distancing within Stephen’s Place. In order to ease worries and make sure that our residents get to live with the same freedoms that their neurotypical peers do, we have tried to keep schedules the same or similar wherever possible, adjusted our activities to allow for necessary changes, and found several ways for our residents to interact at a distance.
Regardless of the challenges we currently face, we will always continue to put the health and safety of our residents and team members at the forefront of everything we do.
Heather Stenberg
Executive Director
Stephen’s Place